Monday, May 17, 2010

A Trip to the Mall, and Other Things :)

It is really strange living basically in town! Although it is annoying, I am trying to be positive today. :) It will definitely be nice to be close to the library... and braum's! ;) Although the mall is not such a good thing... ;) We went Saturday, and looked at all the baby clothes for a very long time. I got bored and wandered around the rest of JC Penny's... Then I had to watch a couple little people, so I decided that they needed to try on hats and sunglasses.... They enjoyed it :) Eric enjoyed it a little too much, and did not want to leave... :)
Not a whole lot has been happening, besides daddy left for CA Friday, and mama may possibly go into premature labor. She is on mild bed rest to prevent that from happening, at least until another week or two have gone by. She really does not want to have to go to the hospital to have the baby, and since it's lungs would not be fully developed, it would have to stay at the hospital. So we have been charged by daddy to make sure she stays calm and rested... Not an easy job I might add! ;) It would be very strange to actually have a little tiny baby instead of 8-10lb babies... But the chances of her coming early are very slim, which I suppose is a good thing :)
The weather has finally decided to clear up here, which is nice!! I will try and get some pictures posted of the Oklahoma flowers, there are several really neat looking ones. Eric picked one today that smelled like the woods after it rained... A strange scent for a flower, but a nice one all the same! :)
We also have a Kill-Deer (sp?) nesting in our back yard, or should I say trying to nest! Eric finds no greater joy than in chasing the poor thing around laughing his head off while it pretends to have a broken wing to lure him away from its eggs. He runs around the yard screaming "Bird, Bird!!" but it always manages to fly over the fence in the nick of time, infuriating the poor little guy to no end... Today he managed to chuck a rock and hit the bird, thankfully he missed the eggs, and we were able to rescue the bird in time, by taking him into the house and explaining that the bird is going to have babies. Then of course he wanted to go right back out and see the babies... :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well... here we are in Oklahoma... We started loading up our stuff, which was more than 16,000 pounds of stuff by the way, Saturday morning. Thankfully the D's were able to come, and help us load. Without them I have a feeling that we would still be on Missouri, trying to load up the truck, van, trailer, and car. ;) Unfortunately we did not get very many pictures of loading up. :( It was really nice to see the D's, cause who know's how long it will be until we see them again... :( And poor Zion, it was his day to get wet! He got sprayed, accidentally the first time, and supposedly the second time, with floor cleaner and some sort of acid that claimed that it was very dangerous. :) We did everything from cleaning out the shop to raking the wetlands flat! :) It was annoying that we had to rake it all flat because before we came and tore it up it actually looked nice, sorta like a jungle something :) And it actually smelled like flowers there, because of about five big very sweet smelling wild white rose bushes. I think that this has been the most wounding of all the moves that I have been involved in! I think that nearly every singly person obtained some manner of small wound somewhere on their body. I think that Isaac won the contest though, he got his finger smashed pretty good with a blue barrel ring breaking and catching his finger. I am SO glad they came though, not only were they SUPER helpful, it was WAY AND BEYOND more fun that it would have been!! :D
We got to Lawton at about 2100ish a little later maybe, after a VERY long eventful day. I will try and record it faithfully... We got up around 0400, ate and then did all the last minute things that ended up being last couple hour things. ;) Well finally we were all done, and we all got in our vehicles sometime around 0645 and everyone was ready to go... and guess what? The moving van wouldn't start... So we tried to jump start it, and found out that our good jumpstarters were packed away into a barrel somewhere in a very well packed trailer, and all we had were some REALLY junky ones... Well we finally gave up on that, and called the U-haul people, well they couldn't send anyone for another forty five minutes... So we sat around and froze waiting for the guy to get there. He finally showed up around 0825, got the truck started in about 10 minutes maybe a little more, and then FINALLY we got on the road... after stopping for gas, we were leaving the Rolla area at about 0900... The drive took about 11 hours, and I won't go into all the details, the HEAVY rain, speedy red car, crazy little sister, crazy me :P, soreness from sitting, and sitting, and sitting... And don't ask Emily about it at all! She will tell you all sorts of crazy stories about how weird Heidi and I are, and that is like so goofy! ME,weird?? I mean that is completely absurd!!! ;)
Here are a few pictures of packing, unpacking, and our new house, no it is not a home yet...

Plaids and stripes? How about plaids and plaids?? ;)

I, ahem, helped Heidi label her box... ;)

Theo wanted to help... he got a little bit too eager I think.... ;)

A VERY fierce little guy that we found, he actually chased Nathan out in the yard :)

Trying to get our large bulky grill into the trailer, Isaac had to reorganize the trailer to fit it it, and Mr. D. took parts of it off so that it would actually fit :)
Well, we got it in :)
I guess I found something amusing...
Zion, doing something with Heidi's "supervision stick" :)
He just woke up... :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Well, it is now official... We are moving this weekend. A little short notice, but that's that I guess... It seems so weird, now that we are actually moving, after having talked about it so long! I will be glad to see daddy, finally be a family again, and go back to a normal life. But I will miss the people that I know here, the life that I have had for 11-12ish years... It won't be easy, that's for sure! One of the things that I can be grateful for though, is it is not 50 years ago! I will still have a lot of contact with everyone I know here through computers and stuff.... The house we are moving into looks neat, but REALLY fancy! The first brick house that I can remember moving into ever! The yard area is close to 3 acres though, so that is very cool! I may also have my own room, which would be incredible! Since mama has been gone for nearly a week now, we girls have been packing up the house and let me tell you that is not my favorite occupation!! :P The house is all bare now, it's really weird! Mama and daddy are coming home this Thursday, and we will move out sometime this weekend... It's so weird!! :P
Here it is...

Haha we move from a yellow house to a red one... ;)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Introduction to the Beaty's

Okay... Here I go again, hopefully this blog will work out! :) So I decided, instead of posting a bazillion pictures I decided to make a video with all the pictures in it. :) It's not a good as I could make it... if I had more patience... Some of the pictures are up to two years old, so you kinda get a look at the past too! :) I tried to make it loosely organized by date, and for the most part they are.... :) I hope that you enjoy it... I tried to use more candid pictures, and not so many posed, fancy pictures... Hopefully it turned out, and makes sense... :)
Thanks for watching!